Predictable Success Chapter 1



In Chapter One, we meet Mike, the founder and CEO of a 125-person paint distribution business. Growth at his organization has stalled over the last 18 months, and over the course of an interruption-filled meeting, it quickly becomes apparent why.

The organization is in Whitewater and Mike and his managers need to put systems and processes in place to bring order to the chaos that is engulfing them.

We also meet Gloria, VP of Sales at a division of a national financial services company. Her sales have plateaued as well, but for an entirely different reason. As we observe her carefully choreographed presentations, pristine office, and stilted interactions with her team, it becomes apparent that they are in Treadmill. Systems and processes have taken over.

Lastly, we join Phil, a division manager at a snack brand company, for his state-of-the-business meetings. Rather than the typical status reviews that one would expect, we hear the rhythm of effective decision-making as each manager speaks openly, seeking input from others and putting the good of the enterprise above their own. Phil’s organization has found the zone, they are in Predictable Success.

It’s important to note that the meeting style at each of these organizations was merely a symptom, not a cause, of their current state. Predictable Success can be achieved by an organization of any size, age, industry, or means. And we’ll show you how to get there.

We have a great selection of resources to kick off our tour through Predictable Success and further draw out some of the key learning points from Chapter One.

Use the links below to click through the resources.

Chapter 1 Resources


Before you get started on Chapter One, please take a moment to fill out this short worksheet. Record your initial thoughts on what you hope to gain from reading Predictable Success.

While you will certainly get a lot of out going through the exercises in these worksheets on your own, one of the big pieces of feedback we regularly receive is how much of a benefit people gain when they discuss it in a group setting.

Whether it’s the team you work in, a book group or any other group, discussing and debating the concepts in Predictable Success will draw out even more of the valuable stuff than simply working through them on your own.

Click here to access this resource.

Activity: Predictable Success Lifecycle Quiz

Where do you think you organization currently falls on the Predictable Success Lifecycle? Jot down your initial opinion, and then take this quiz to find out:

Predictable Success Lifecycle Quiz

Video: The 7 Stages of Every Business

Want a quick video overview of the seven stages of Predictable Success? Watch as Les presents them at this Inc. conference:

Webinars: The Secrets of Predictable Success

For-profit Organizations: The 4 Secrets of Predictable Success

Want to dive deeper into the seven stages of every business goes through?

In this webinar, Les will show you how to know which stage you’re in right now, how to grow out of it, and the best way to quickly reach Predictable Success and stay there:

Other types of Organizations:
Think that Predictable Success only applies to commercial/for-profit organizations? Not so! As a matter fact, the Predictable Success model is just as relevant for a faith- or cause-based organization, an NGO, a state or a local government agency! In this webinar, you’ll discover the five blind spots mission-driven organizations and NFPs are prone to, as well as which stages you are most likely to get ‘stuck’ in depending on the nature of your mission:

Predictable Success for Mission-based Organizations

Blog Post: Where Do You Think These Companies Are in the Predictable Success Lifecycle?

Wondering what Fun looks like? How about Treadmill or The Big Rut? In this blog post, Les takes several well-known companies/industries and identifies where they fall in the Predictable Success Lifecycle.

Before you read it, think about where you might place them:

  • Microsoft
  • Apple
  • Twitter
  • Netflix
  • Cloud Computing
  • Google
  • RIM

Access the blog post here.

Blog Posts: Making Good Decisions as a Team

Two of the things that stood out when observing Phil and his team of managers were the rhythm of their meetings and how they put the organization’s needs above their own. In these two blog posts, Les takes a closer look at each of these important aspects of a successful team.

How to Make Good Decisions as a Team

A Memo to a New Executive Team Member

What is the rhythm of your team’s discussions?

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